Course General Information
Course General Information
When you create a Course in Yeira , you will be able to customize a landing page with detailed information about the Course so that your Users can learn more, for example, its Description, Learning Objectives, Instructor information and Additional Content Sheets. You can customize this information from the "General Info" tab of the Course.
You can see an example of a Course fully developed on our site Yeira Academy
Here are the sections that you will find in this General Info tab:
Title and Subtitle of a Course
To edit the Title and / or Subtitle of your Course, you just have to modify the text and click outside the text field to save the changes. The field will be highlighted with a green outline to indicate that the change has been applied to your Course .

For the Title you have 65 characters available and for the Subtitle 30.
Course price
If you use Yeira in Open Mode with the E-commerce Module for the commercialization of your Courses, you will be able to add directly in this section, the Price and Discount of the Course very easily.

Check out the tutorial Free Course in Yeira and / or Course Price in Yeira if you are going to sell your Courses in Yeira through the E-commerce Module
If you use Yeira for internal training with Closed Mode, this field will not be visible for your Courses .
Course start and end
Schedule the start and end of your Courses in Yeira! That way, your Users can only access the contents of the Course within the period established automatically.

Check out our tutorial Scheduling a Course for more information.
Course duration
Set the duration of your Course in hours or minutes, so your Users will know how much time they should spend studying. Simply select whether you want the duration to be displayed in minutes or hours, and add the number into the text field. Click outside the field to save the changes. The field will be shown in green to indicate that the change has been applied to your Course .

If you have Course completion certificates enbled, this information must be filled in so that it is shown in the certificates generated.
Public and Private Course Mode
If you have a public Courses offer but have just sold a special Course for specific Users, then activate Private Mode! In this way, only Users registered to that Course will be able to see it, and all other Courses within of your Yeira site will remain public and available for purchase.

Check the tutorial Private Mode of a Course to know more.
Course Cover and Banner
Customize the cover of the Course that appears on the main page of your Yeira site and in My Courses, as well as the Banner that appears in the Course general info section.

Check the tutorial Course Cover and Banner for more information.
About the Course
Use this space to explain in more detail more information about your Course, like the topics, advantages and other important information. You can assign paragraph styles or edit the text with the editing tools available such as bold, italics, bullets, images among other options.
Course Objectives
The objectives of your Course are visible to your Users under the section "About the Course" in the Course detail . You can use bullets to list goals and available text editing tools.
Promotional Video of the Course
For each of your Courses you can add a YouTube or Vimeo link to promote them. This Video will be visible in the detail of the Course when the User clicks on the "See Video" button, on a window that will open for its reproduction. It is not mandatory that you include a Promotional Video, but it is highly recommended.
Select the Public Mode for uploading a Video to YouTube or Vimeo so that your Users can view it in the details of the Course.

If you require it, in your Course you can add the profile of the Instructors that appear in the details of the Course as a file, or use this space to add a brief review of your brand. You can add a photo, name, role, link and short biography.

See the tutorial Instructor sheet for more information.
Additional Information
In addition to the Instructor File, you can add additional information within the details of the Course , for example, requirements to take the Course, benefits, frequently asked questions, even ... a downloadable brochure!
Check the tutorial Additional Information Sheets to learn more.
To see all the information you added for the Course Detail, click on the "Preview" button that appears in the upper right corner of the "General Information" tab of the Course .
You don't have a Yeira account yet? Create a free account now here.
Updated on: 04/05/2021
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