Articles on: Create & Manage Content

Video Resource

Video Resource

Use video lessons in your Courses. Insert links to Videos from YouTube or Vimeo by copying and pasting the link to the video. In this way, your Users will have a good experience watching your Videos since they will not have to wait for them to be downloaded to be able to view them.

If you have your own Videos, you will need to upload them to a YouTube or Vimeo account in order to embed them on your Yeira site.

You can also configure the privacy of your Videos on any of these platforms so that they are reproduced exclusively in your Courses within your Yeira site.

Consulta el tutorial Configura la privacidad de tu Video en YouTube y Configura la privacidad de tu Video en Vimeo.

See the tutorial Set video privacy on YouTube and Set video privacy on Vimeo.

Steps to insert a Video Resource

Ve a Iniciar sesión > Cursos > Curso > Editar > Contenido > Contenido del Curso
Crea un Nuevo Tema o abre uno que ya hayas creado para insertar el Recurso tipo Video.
Pulsa sobre el ícono "circular color naranja". Se abrirán los Recursos del Tema disponibles dentro del Tema del Curso.
Pulsa en el ícono de "Nuevo Video". Se abrirá una ventana de Edición.
Agrega el Nombre del Recurso que quieras que aparezca, éste será visible para tus Usuarios.
Pega el URL de tu Video de YouTube o Vimeo.
Pulsa en "Guardar". Se agregará inmediatamente el Video dentro del Tema del Curso.
Para previsualizarlo en el Visor de Contenidos del Usuario, pulsa en el ícono de "ojo".

Go to Login> Courses> Course> Edit> Content> Course Content
Create a new Topic or open one that you have already created to insert the Video Resource.
Click on the "orange circle icon". The Topic Resources available within the Course Topic will open .
Click on the "New Video" icon. An Edit window will open .
Add the Name of the Resource that you want to appear, it will be visible to your Users.
Paste the URL of your Video on YouTube or Vimeo.
Click on "Save". The Video will be added immediately within the Course Topic.
To preview it in the Content Viewer from the User point of view, click on the "eye" icon.

If you want to reorder the Video, see the Reorder Topics and Resources.

Inserta un Video de YouTube o Vimeo

Follow the same process to integrate more Videos into your Course.

Do you want to broadcast live through YouTube? Apply the same process of copying and pasting the link in your Course in Yeira as a "Video resource". Check out this tutorial to learn how to stream live with YouTube.

You don't have a Yeira account yet? Create a free account now here.

Updated on: 13/05/2021

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