Digital Certificates
Digital Certificates
With Yeira, you can issue Digital Certificates for your Users. Doing so is very easy and you can choose between generating Digital Certificates of completion automatically or manually.
The Digital Certificates generated use the Logo that you have uploaded to your Yeira site , the general information of the Course and the User's data , so we recommend that you fill in this information completely. In addition, the Digital Certificates generate a QR code to validate its originality.

How to activate an Automatic Digital Certificate
An Automatic Certificate is generated once the User has completed up to a 100% the Course, and will be shown the option to download it immediately.
Go to Login> Courses> Course> Edit> Content> Course Content
At the bottom of this section you will find the "Create Course Completion Certificate" switch. Activate it.
Choose the "Create record automatically" option.
That's all! When your Users complete the Course, their Digital Certificate will be issued automatically.

Steps to download an Automatic Certificate
Go to Login> Courses> Course
In the Course, click on the "Report" button. Within the Course Report you will find the list of users who completed the Course.
Within the list of "Users who completed the Course" you will see the text and icon "Download certificate".
Click on "Download Certificate". It will download as a PDF file.
Follow this process to download the Digital Certificate of each User.
How to issue a Manual Certificate
A Manual Certificate is generated by the Administrator from the Course Report to users who have completed the Course in its totality. This process can work for you if you have other criteria for generating certificates in addition to completion, such as the average grade, attendance to live sessions, specific dates of issue, among other considerations.
Step 1:
Go to Login> Courses> Course> Edit> Content> Course Content
At the bottom of this section you will find the "Create Course Completion Certificate" switch, activate it.
Choose the "Create record manually" option .
Step 2:
Go to Login> Courses> Course
In the Course, click on the "Report" button . Within the Course Report you will find the list of users who completed the Course.
Within the list of "Users who completed the Course" you will see the button "Generate Certificate".
Click on "Generate Certificate" . The User's record will be generated and will be notified by email.
The button will change to "Download Certificate". Click to download the Digital Certificate of the user .

Sections where your Users can download their Digital Certificate
In the Course completion pop-up window once you see the last resource of the Course.
My Courses> Completed Courses: In the Course box, instead of progress.
My Courses> Course Info: Under the Banner, on the right hand side of the progress.
Email: With direct link to the download of your Digital Certificate.

Do you need a Digital Certificate with a personalized design? Sign up for a YeiraPremium plan . Learn more about our Planes y Precios.
You don't have a Yeira account yet? Create a free account now here.
Updated on: 15/05/2021
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