Reorder Topics and Resources
Reorder Topics and Resources
All Topics and Resources within your Courses can be organized in the order you want. To order them follow the following instructions:
Steps to reorder a Topic:
Go to Login> Courses> Course> Edit> Content
To reorder a Topic , click on the "Drag" icon on the left side of each Topic you want to move and hold the click.
Move the Topic up or down to place it where you want. Changes will be saved automatically once you release the click.
That's all! To view the changes, click on the "Preview".
Steps to reorder the Resources of a Theme:
Go to Login> Courses> Course> Edit> Content
Click on the Topic to display the Resources created.
To reorder a Resource , click on the "Drag" con on the left side of each Resource you wish to move and hold the click.
Move the Resource up or down to place it where you want it. Changes will be saved automatically once you release the click.
That's all! To view the changes, click on the "Preview".
Take into account that you can only reorder the Resources that are within a Topic , and not from one Topic to another.

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Updated on: 14/05/2021
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