Free mode and Serial mode
Free mode and Serial mode
In Yeira , you can configure that the Content of your Course is accessed in a Free or Serial mode.
With** Serial Mode**, users cannot randomly access the contents of the Course, they must necessarily go Resource after Resource. Each Resource displays a closed lock icon that will shift to open as the User advances .
On the other hand, when a course is setup with a Free Mode access, Users can navigate freely thoughout the course resources with no restrictions, from the table of contents or from the navigation menu in the user view.
The default state of the content of a Course in Yeira is Free Mode.
Steps to activate Free Mode or Serial Mode
Go to Login> Courses> Course> Edit> Content> Course Content
In the upper right corner, you will find the button with the default status "Free Roam". Press the button to change it to "Serial Mode".
Press "*Activate"** in the confirmation pop-up window to apply the change.
If you want to change it to "Free Mode", follow the same steps .
That's all! The changes will be applied immediately. See the changes by selecting the ["Preview"}(/es/article/previsualizacion-de-contenido-s4wfxh/) button .

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Updated on: 14/05/2021
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