Configure the Privacy of your YouTube Video
Configure the Privacy of your YouTube Video
Control the access to your YouTube Videos so they are not listed publicly and are viewed only through your Course on your Yeira site .
To create a Video Resource in your Course, read thistutorial.
Steps to configure the Privacy of your Video on YouTube
Login to your YouTube account> Your Channel
Upload a new Video or edit a previously loaded one to change the privacy setting.
In the section Visibility of the video , you'll see three options: Private, Unlisted and Public. Set the Privacy option to "Not listed".
Click "Save".
Copy the URL of your video from YouTube and paste it into the Video Resource within your course in Yeira .
Note: The "Not listed" setting only removes the Video from YouTube search, but does not prevent another person from accessing the link outside of Yeira, once they have the direct link. If you want to avoid this, we recommend using Vimeo. Read more about How to upload a private Video on Vimeo.
For more information, you can read the article on privacy settings on YouTube here.
You don't have a Yeira account yet? Create a free account now here.
Updated on: 05/07/2021
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